VIP Task Manager is business organizer for
optimization of efforts and time you spend on starting a business, managing business resources, prioritizing business opportunities, etc. It gathers your tasks into a manageable list, so you could make your business plans a reality faster.
- List business tasks you do every day or plan to do to increase your income (use CTRL + ALT +A to quickly add tasks and items to the list)
- Prioritize your business tasks to highlight most beneficial ones (use SHIFT + CTRL + UP or SHIFT + CTRL + DOWN to increase or decrease priority)
- Set due date for each business task to avoid procrastination (use Due Date in Edit Task dialog to specify the time)
- Set recurrence if you have repeating tasks like meeting (use Recurrence option in Edit Task dialog)
- Set reminder to be notified of your business tasks' deadlines or milestones. (use Reminder in Edit Task Dialog)
- List of your employees (use Resource TAB)
- Assign your employees to your business tasks (by drag and drop method from Resource Assignment Bar)
- Automatically send personal to do lists to your remote employees (use Sent To Do List to Assigned Resources)
- Print out to do lists for yourself and your employees
- Filter tasks by various time periods to know what you should do next and when (use Filter Bar)
- Track the tasks progress (use Status and Complete% options)
- Check out the tasks once they are done.