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Aug 7, 2013
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Jul 1, 2013
VIP Quality Software team continues working on new versions of CentriQS, small business management software that features enterprise-level functionality for task management and database customization. What’s new for spring 2013

Team Management Tips - How to Make a Team High-Performing

If you want to be a successful leader, you can only do it by improving your approach to team management. Here're a few important tips to help manage your personnel and lead them to peak performance. Keep in mind that these tips won't work best if you don't use a kind of team management software. It is suggested to use CentriQS to manage team activity and measure group performance.

Focus Your Team on Work Results and Productivity

When you manage salaried personnel, never try to have rigid clock-in/out times unless there is a coverage issue in relation to customer service (ex.: providing helpdesk coverage during call hours). Set clear objectives and tasks that take your team about 40 hours a week to accomplish. Your personnel should show up on time for important meetings and be available during their general working hours. Be sure there is a team management software application in place to access their work results and productivity. This software will let your employees manage their working time, view performance and keep track of priority. It will be a sign of trust to your personnel. Use CentriQS to envision the desired performance and results and allow the team to act on their own.

Focus Team on Work Results and Productivity

Assign Employees to the Stuff They are Good at

Make sure you have the right people assigned to the right tasks. This team management tip is especially important if you begin to manage a team that is already in place. Understand and consider all the skills and talents you have in your people and then reshuffle their assignments if it means the team has a better chance of success.

Assign Employees to the Stuff They're Good at

Never keep someone in a job role just because this person has been doing it for a long time. Instead, consider each member's talents in order to make a better assignment that contributes to higher team performance. Note that some workers might be reluctant to move across different assignments, so in such cases be ready to work hard to convince them and change their interests.

Link Big Opportunities to Top Performers

When you deal with a big opportunity that could change your organization's performance for better, you need to step back and think about who's the best person(s) to lead the change. First, look at the past performance of your team to see which members have a track record of success.

Note that the biggest deals and opportunities come around only once in a while, so in order to succeed you need to involve people who show the best performance. Otherwise the opportunities can be lost. And even if an opportunity requires taking someone off something important but not so big, be sure the opportunity is linked to the best performer(s). Use CentriQS team management module to identify top-performing individuals among your entire personnel.

Link the Biggest Opportunities to the Best Performers

Set Aggressive yet Realistic Goals

Develop and maintain a team management culture that fosters higher performance, by setting aggressive goals and keeping your team members accountable for their progress. However, the goals should be realistic, or otherwise your team will quickly fall behind and feel like they can never achieve success.

Set Aggressive yet Realistic Goals

You need to regularly re-evaluate team goals and activities (at least on a monthly basis) to decide whether they need to be scaled down or up. CentriQS lets you set priorities to show your team on which tasks they should focus now. When a priority gets changed, assigned team members receive an automatic notification, so they won't miss something important.

Kill Projects Your Team Can't Cope With

Another important part of effective team management is that any project which brings frustration rather than inspiration to your employees should be killed and never assigned again. Explore new projects the team can cope with. If you can't give up current projects, consider transforming and changing them to an extent when your personnel can reach success. Also make sure you use these projects as a learning experience to make right re-assignments in the future and plan teamwork. You can use analytics views in CentriQS to analyze project performance and see whether your team members can cope with your current project. For example, build a burndown chart to track the team's progress against the estimate.

Kill Projects Your Team Can't Cope With

Make Your Employees Think and Act on Their Own

You are a good manager who treats the subordinates well. You are an inspired leader who knows the team's weaknesses and strengths. However, it doesn't mean you give all the answers and micromanage everything.  You shouldn't have a monopoly on all of the good ideas. A higher-performing employee makes small decisions and thinks as a "scaled" leader. If your personnel don't make enough of their own decisions and actions, you should change your tactics. It is a good practice to let workers act on their own when they do some specific job. You may not be a specialist in this field but your employees are, so consider unleashing the power of autonomy within the team. Spread the feeling of trust among team members. Use CentriQS software to collaborate with your personnel and keep their performance on track.

Make Your Employees Think and Act on Their Own

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