Business issue tracking is one of the prioritized activities in any company that needs to organize business activities and treat for customers and prospects. A business issue is regarded as an immediate problem that relates to a particular business situation and that needs to be solved through taking certain actions. By tracking business issues, managers can check if particular problems are solved to date, what issues remain outstanding, and whether there is a risk that certain customers will be lost because of their issues remaining unsolved.
What to Look For in Issue Tracking Software
With help of issue tracking software you can organize problems into a convenient list, link issues to related clients and files in your database, receive reminder alerts and notifications, etc. Below you can see a more detailed description of the features you can enjoy in CentriQS software for tracking and managing business issues in your organization.
All Issues Organized into One List
Tracking business issues becomes much easier and more effective when all issues and related records are stored in a centralized database and are organized into a single list for viewing and editing. Then support personnel can view assigned issues, track issue state, find out which issues are urgent and important, who is responsible for what items, etc. For example, CentriQS allows you to create custom entity 'Issue' in the database and lay out the Issues view, so that all issues that your employees will create in your database will be displayed as a single list on the Issues view.
Automatic Email Notifications and Reminders
Whenever a new issue is assigned to you or your group, issue tracking software sends you (or your group) an automatic email notification with the details on the issue. Notifications can also remind you about related tasks that you need to do to solve the issue.
This functionality in CentriQS is very useful and convenient because you can be aware of the latest updates in your task list even being out of your desktop, for example you can use your mobile or tablet to check incoming messages at your email box. CentriQS allows you customize notifications and also create and manage related subscriptions in the Subscriptions view. |
File Attachments and Links
The ability to attach various files (e.g. screen shots, specifications, reports) and links (web pages, e-mails, shared docs) that provide personnel with a clear description and example of the issue will let you remove uncertainty in the tracking process and establish a clear path to the issue's resolution. In CentriQS you can upload files directly into your database and relate them to issues. Also you can link issues to files, web pages, emails, and other entities (e.g. Appointment, Order, Customer, etc.) available in the database. |
History Trail for Complete Analysis
In essence, issue tracking means an analysis process of reviewing records and history data for following an issue as closely as possible. Success of this analysis greatly depends on whether there is a clear history trail for each specific problem. CentriQS software automatically tracks all updates made to a specific issue and displays the data in the History tab.
Every update made to an issue (from the moment that this issue has been submitted throughout its life cycle) is listed and displayed in chronological order. You can use Filter and Sorting to focus on needed history records. |
Full Customization for Improved Issue Tracking
It is important that a standard issue tracking process can be changed and customized according to special business needs. Full customization enables you to create new rules, workflows and requirements for tracking issues in your company, so that you won't be straitened for functionality and circumstances. For example, in CentriQS Configurator you can customize your database by adding properties and workflow steps to entity 'Issue'. You can also create new entities and relate then to 'Issue'. |
Powerful Reporting and Issue Analytics
A powerful report building engine in CentriQS issue tracking software solution enables you to compare your issues by different performance indicators, create pivot tables filled with only needed data, select which properties to include in your report, and set sorting and filter conditions. Reporting lets your personnel provide detailed reports on the work done, keep track of pending issues, and plan activities for next periods. CentriQS provides a complete data reporting and analytics solution that helps you to create reports in pivot-table format, with possibility to customize and preset the layout according to your requirements.