Quality assurance lets engineers ensure adequate requirements, testing, project performance, and product reliability. QA personnel can use defect tracking soft ware to align with product requirements, remove existing defects and prevent probable issues from occurrence. Such software provides tools and solutions to create custom QA workflows for tracking, managing and resolving mistakes, malfunctions and other defects in products.
Defect Tracking Process for Better Quality Management
In engineering, a defect can be defined as a deviation from initial quality requirements. Defect tracking is an essential process in quality management that reports and tracks the progress of defects and issues revealed in a product (such as software systems, equipment), from discovery and analysis through to reviewing and resolution. The process aims to strictly ensure that discovered defects are handled in an organized manner, so that all priorities, severities, values and impacts of each defect are carefully considered by quality assurance engineers in finding the right resolution.
Defect Prevention and Correction Plan
As a rule, the defect tracking process is carried out after an issue in product functionality, design or whatever else characteristics is discovered. QA personnel monitor and log the state of this issue and work on developing a resolution. In order to minimize the probability that new errors and bugs will come up, quality engineers also carry out the defect prevention process.
This process closely relates to issue tracking and aims to identify possible product issues and develop and apply corrective actions before these issues happen. By generating quality management metrics in defect tracking software, QA engineers analyze root causes, probabilities, densities, severities and priorities of bugs and problems and then define how to prevent the occurrence of probable malfunctions and how to mitigate the impact of existing troubles. A detailed approach to detecting and handling defects in terms of quality targets is described here.
Software Quality Assurance
In software development and engineering, defect tracking and prevention help testers and QA engineers identify, describe, analyze, and handle bugs and errors in software products. In a typical software development project there is a quality assurance team that works on discovering bugs, running test cases and providing resolutions. These people closely collaborate with developers, programmers and R&D teams to effectively implement quality management and ensure expected project performance. Defect tracking software helps QA engineers and programmers work jointly and collaborate on handling bugs and mistakes. This program makes the task of identifying, evaluating and prioritizing software failures and malfunctions much easier. IT and development personnel are able to create, keep, and share their records, schedules, docs and other data in a centralized database.
Test Coverage Matrix for Managing Requirements
Software QA teams often employ the concept of test coverage matrix (TCM) in managing product requirements and associated test cases. Such a matrix lets testers ensure that each requirement (such as product feature or a module) is covered with one or more test cases. TCM shows traceability relationships between test cases and requirements. QA managers can use this data to estimate test coverage (the percentage of test cases executed per item) and provide a more realistic perspective into project state. Here's an example of TCM made in MS Excel:
QA Workflow in Software Projects
In any software project, requirements drive success. It means that for such a project there should be a quality assurance workflow to help create a product that could be accepted by the customer and be effective for the user. Basically, the workflow of assuring product quality in software projects can be described with the following steps:
Defect Tracking Software and Workflow Customization
In 4 basic steps QA engineers and programmers identify, analyze, handle and close issues. 4 additional steps extend the workflow to allow QA personnel to handle unusual situations and deepen into the defect tracking process.
Defect tracking software provides advanced functionality to create and configure custom workflows for managing and assuring quality in development projects. For example, CentriQS lets you use the "Workflow" item in the "Bug" entity to add a new workflow including states, transitions and actions. The program allows your QA personnel to be entirely involved in tracking and managing issues. And the way you sequence your workflow's states and organize the appropriate transitions and actions in CentriQS will help your project team produce acceptable high-quality deliverables at project end. |