Organizations involved in software development need to capture, analyze and solve bugs and issues that relate to their projects. For this purpose they can use bug tracking software. Such software lets create a centralized database to keep records on issues and bugs, share the data between developers, testers, and other personnel, create custom workflows, and plan tasks for effective test management and project development. Advanced bug tracking solutions can be integrated with existing systems.
Create a Database for Keeping Records on Bugs
Bug tracking starts with creating a single database that will keep all records related to known software issues and functionality problems. This database will allow testers, programmers and other IT staff to capture and track facts about known issues. In particular, with help of CentriQS bug tracking software they can add details on the time a bug was reported, severity, application behavior, and so on. CentriQS database will let capture all bugs and provide developers with possibility to share their records with each other.
Customize Bug Tracking Workflow
Typically, the process of tracking application issues includes a number of steps which can be organized into a workflow. When a bug is captured, an appropriate record is created in the database, and an assigned tester can begin to explore the bug and do test cases. Bug tracking software should allow IT development personnel to configure bug statuses and sequence them into a custom workflow with possibility to assign a bug to one or another status or delete the bug.
In CentriQS you can configure "Workflow" of entity "Bug" to create and customize a bug tracking workflow. This capability lets you add new states, transitions and actions for your custom workflow. For example, you can add such states as "Submitted", "Handled", "Reviewed", "Unsolved" and "Resolved". This example means that after a bug is submitted, an assigned tester handles it and then moves it to a developer for reviewing.
After the bug is reviewed and no issues are detected, it is marked as resolved. In case it is not resolved, the developer returns it to the tester for additional analysis and handling.
Remember that there can be another workflow with more steps and statuses. Yaron Sinai at suggests a 6-step process for tracking software issues and errors. CentriQS lets you customize and set your workflow according to your specific needs. |
Plan Tasks for Test Management & Software Project Development
Test management lets testers complete their test cases and scripts. Programmers use project management methodologies to run their software development projects.
CentriQS lets address all issues of planning, scheduling, tracking and reporting of tasks related to test management and project management. Testers can use tasks in CentriQS to plan their test cases, and developers can use projects to keep track of their software development initiatives. The program provides a user-friendly interface that lets quickly navigate through the database and switch between projects, tasks, files, and other entities. |
Link Bugs to Tasks and Projects
Bug tracking does not come alone. Usually this process is carried out within a kind of software development project to help identify issues, solve them and create new code. Developers work closely with testers to capture, handle and fix errors and exceptions. CentriQS program allows linking tasks, projects and bugs (and any other entities in the database) to each other and creating related views. For example, when you open a bug in your database you see what project it belongs to and what tasks relates to it.
Integrate Bug Tracking Software with Existing Systems
Sometimes organizations prefer using solutions that can be integrated with the systems already in place. Integration makes it possible to maintain a single IT infrastructure and also phase out 'legacy applications' and equipment. There is a possibility that CentriQS is successfully integrated into your organization's current IT infrastructure. CentriQS provides a simple REST-based application program interface (API) to let your developers interact with the software and integrate it with your systems. You can create, retrieve, modify and delete records, carry out searches, and more.
For example, you can use CentriQS API to let users submit bugs right from an appropriate form available on your website and then to automatically create records in CentriQS database. API gives you a complete integration-ready solution that allows you to do perhaps everything you'll ever need for software bug tracking and fixing. |