Simple To Do List: SMTP Options

The options dialog is accessed via the[Tools | Options] menu command.
Installation-specific Settings of SMTP Server.
This option allows the program to send messages and task reminders via E-mail when a Date of reminders expires.
Host - SMTP server used for sending e-mail messages.
Authentication - authorizes an access to SMTP server
User - User name (for access authorization).
Password - user password (for access authorization).
Sender Name - Your name. This information will be added to the message created by your e-mail client.
Sender E-mail - Your E-mail. This information will be added to the message created by your e-mail client in the field "From". It's useful for some e-mail clients, which require this field filled to send a message.
Related topics:
- General Options
- Appearance
- Tasks List Options
- SMTP Options