The first step for complete payroll process, accurate billing, and continuous productivity improvement is getting a task timer solution that simply counts and tracks working hours of personnel. If you want to reach the final destination and establish efficient employee time management, then you need to start using a time keeping software solution in your organization. This kind of computer program lets you minimize risk of failed time management, improve workforce productivity and control labor costs.
Minimize Risk of Failed Time Management
Effective time management can be reached if several key rules are followed. The first rule is that employee should use priorities as a road map to executing their tasks and assignments. Next, managers should be able to delegate job schedules to avert overload and delays. And finally overdue events should be detected and solved in advance. Time keeping software lets your personnel and executives to follow these rules and minimize the risk of failed time management.
Prioritize Employee Tasks into Right Sequence
Prioritization refers to one of the basic principles of time management that states "first thing comes first". It means that among a variety of tasks that must be done each task needs to be sequenced by urgency or/and importance, so that the most pressing and critical tasks require immediate and careful attention.
In practice, employees need to move the most prioritized items at the top of their todo lists and start each new workday with focusing on those items. Priorities should be set by managers who can use urgency-importance matrix for this purpose. Alternatively, they can rank employee tasks by numeric priorities or levels. For example, CentriQS software lets you use all of these prioritization techniques to organize employee tasks into right sequence. |
Delegate Job Schedules with Ease
Delegation is a powerful time management tool that makes it possible to avert delays and unmet deadlines. By delegating job schedules managers can reduce overload, improve schedule performance in projects, and avoid conflicts between employees belonging to a single team. Besides, right delegating contributes to faster personnel development and helps avoid common mistakes of time management.
Basically, delegation entails sharing of authority and associated responsibility from a superior to a subordinate. When you delegate job schedules in CentriQS time keeping soft ware you simply drag and drop tasks between user calendars. The program makes delegating an easy operation that lets you re-allocate tasks and deadlines in a few seconds. In the Scheduler view you can display multiple user calendars on one screen and use the Tasks panel to make assignments and re-assignments.
Keep Track of Overdue Tasks and Delays
Efficient time tracking creates a foundation for early detection of overdue tasks and delayed events. Executives track employee time to gain insight into current performance of their subordinates and figure out whether there are activities that are overdue or almost overdue. For this purpose, they can use time keeping software that lets analyze time spent and time remaining and compare the data with estimates. For example, CentriQS allows you to analyze working hours by using properties "Estimate", "Actual" and "Remain". "Deviation" lets you compare these properties to understand whether employees do their tasks "on schedule", "behind schedule", or "ahead of schedule". The software also compares task due dates against current system date and marks overdue tasks.
Improve Workforce Productivity
Workforce productivity can be improved in several steps. First, a sense of accomplishment should be promoted among personnel. Secondly, employees must be freed up from manual and timely administrative tasks. And then they can dedicate more time and effort to value-added activities, which means better productivity.
Set Right Goals
Clear, realistic and time-scaled objectives let ensure that quality and timeliness of work are achievable and that employees can do their jobs with higher productivity. Employees feel themselves more productive with doing their jobs when they clearly know what objectives to accomplish in what time and under what requirements. Business organizations that foster a sense of accomplishment within their working environments demonstrate higher labor productivity stats against companies that disregard effective goal setting.
If you want to set right objectives and explain your personnel what achievements they are expected to make, then SMART technique will be the best choice. This technique lets you set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-scaled objectives. Your workers will always know what goals to achieve, in what time, and under what quality requirements.
Reduce Number of Time-Consuming Tasks
When your employees spend less time on doing manual and time-consuming tasks, they can reach higher productivity and accomplish more value-added activities. CentriQS provides a reliable time keeping software technology that scales to your company and provides the flexibility in task management. The software lets keep track of task performance per employee to make it possible for managers to analyze what tasks consume more time and what improvements can be made. In the Task Analytics view you can analyze task performance data by multiple properties. This data helps you understand how much time is actually spent on each task and whether actual time exceeds estimates. Then you can decide what tasks should be removed in order to improve employee productivity.
Control Labor Costs
By controlling labor costs with a consistent time keeping application you can follow the pay rules of your organization and provide your personnel with adequate monetary incentives such as bonuses or commissions. Labor costs control has a positive effect on the way your organization manages its business expenses. It is also a great motivator for your workers to show higher productivity.
Time Keeping Software in CentriQS
CentriQS lets you track and log actual time employees spend on their tasks, so that you can estimate pays and commissions for your personnel. In the Time Logs view you can displays time logs that show user names, task duration, rate, and cost. CentriQS time logs help control-labor-costs accurately calculate working hours and control labor costs.