Main Toolbar |
New database |
Open database
Shortcut - [Ctrl + O] |
Save database
Shortcut - [Ctrl + S] |
Prints the task list to the default printer. The preset properties of the printer and the task filtration are used for printing.
Shortcut - [Ctrl + P] |
Print preview. |
Tasks Toolbar |
Creates a new task in the task list. The task wizard opens automatically.
Shortcut - [Insert] or [Ins] |
Edits tasks chosen from the task list. If several tasks are chosen,editing will start from the upper one of the list of chosen tasks.
Shortcut - [Enter] or [F4] |
Removes one or more tasks chosen from the task list.
Shortcut -[Delete] or [Del] |
Task Move Up
Shortcut - [Ctrl+Up Arrow] |
Task Move Down
Shortcut - [Ctrl+Down Arrow] |
Increase task(s) priority
Shortcut - [Shift+Ctrl+Up Arrow] |
Decrease task(s) priority
Shortcut - [Shift+Ctrl+Down Arrow] |
Insert task(s) from Windows clipboard to Tasks List.
Shortcut -[Ctrl + V] |
Controls the appearance of notes in the task list.
Shortcut -[Ctrl + N] |
Filters tasks within the task list by category. eg "Done".
All - Turns off the filter, all the existing tasks are displayed
Done - Displays only finished tasks
Undone - Displays only unfinished tasks
Categories Toolbar |
Create a new category
Shortcut -[Ctrl + G] |
Add sub category |
Edit category properties |
Delete category |
Category Outdent (To move the category one level up in the category hierarchy) |
Category Indent (To move the category one level down in the category hierarchy) |
Category Move Up |
Category Move Down |
Sort Categories (To sort existing categories alphabetically) |