"VIP Organiser is among my arsenal of "must have" software. The first application I start in the morning and the last one I turn off at night."
John Moylan -
London, UK
"An excellent support really adds to the value of great program!"
Günther Schäfer -
Frankfurt am Main, DE
"...I have now been using VIP Organizer for one week and it has changed the way
I manage, prioritise and complete business tasks. It's simple to use
friendly interface has dramatically improved my productivity and enabled me
to focus on the most important business tasks. I have been trying to find
an application for some time that would help me organize my day. I can
highly recommend VIP Organizer to anyone seeking to take control of their
business day and make a big difference in the way the manage their work..."
Chris Moxey -
Croydon Hills, Australia
VIP Organizer's Features
Export of Task List to MS Excel, HTML, XML, Text and CSV formats.
View export to MS Excel, HTML, XML, Text and CSV formats lets you share your tasks data with other users and exchange it with other applications. |
Multiple database management.
VIP Organizer allows you to create, edit and save unlimited number of databases. To protect data from unauthorized access a password which will be asked each time the database is opened.
Tree-structured category system.
You can create a category tree of unlimited hierarchic structure, assign tasks to any category or subcategory and then display them all or selectively using category filters.
Intuitive interface.
The program features easy and intuitive interface which can be set in different styles including Windows XP (native)
style. Customizable toolbars, task list grid and floating panels allow you to make it convenient for your particular needs.
Flexible grouping of tasks.
This unique feature lets group tasks by dragging one or several columns and dropping them onto special zone above the grid. You can also embed them one into another to display your tasks in a form of a tabular tree.
Extended printing capabilities.
Using various design, style and background settings you can present your VIP Organizer file as comprehensible and pro-looking report.
Advanced reminder (Message, Sound and E-mail).
You can set task reminders in the form of message, melody, or send an e-mail with task reminder to computer or mobile phone of assigned resource. Reminder can be set both for definite time and for some period before that time.
Visual tracking of tasks status.
For trackingtasks progress VIP Organizer offers the following tools: ‘Done’, Complete %, Status and Info columns where you can define and track status of tasks.
Recurrence task setting.
You can specify time settings of tasks which are repeated hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
Sorting and filtration of tasks.
Powerful sorting and filtration system helps you optimize your working process and use VIP Organizer more efficient. Most useful filters are placed on floating panel for quick access.
Text search engine
Working with big size VIP Organizer files you can easily find necessary task by using Text Search Engine.
Full-featured RTF Editor
You can create and edit task notes as RTF document, choosing the
appropriate fonts, size, color, structure and other attributes of
text. |